Week 20: 3-30-2023


Complete Caught-yas 120 & 121. After rewriting the sentences, watch the videos below and make any corrections that you missed.

In case you missed it, here is 119 which we did in class.


YAY!!! Your FINAL Paper!!


Your paper is due April 13th (two weeks to write it, but one of those weeks is spring break). It needs to be 5 to 7 pages long, same format as before. You are allowed to write on ANY of the books we have covered in class, INCLUDING The Great Divorce, which you are assigned to read during these two weeks as well. Choose a book and thesis that you are interested in. Show us how well you understand that book/character/theme/literary device, etc. PROVE to us that your interpretation is correct with detailed analysis and supporting quotes/evidence directly from the book. This is your time to take what you have learned and present it in one culminating and brilliant display of skill, prowess, intelligence, and magnanimity! You guys have come a long way from where we started with Animal Farm. Really push yourself these last few weeks. I think you will be amazed and very proud of how far you have come!

HERE are the essay prompts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n_YoxPYi8u_cQpfrsQyKqPLTwHZRelOkR_f-7fBLodk/edit?usp=sharing

READ The Great Divorce

Here are the study questions. Use these to help you understand what is going on and to think deeper about what C.S. Lewis is telling us about the reality of heaven and why someone may not want to go there. Be prepared to come to discuss what holds us back from reaching our potential.

BEFORE reading The Great Divorce, consider watching “The Fantasy Makers,” a documentary about George MacDonald, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien. You can find it on Amazon Prime, but I also just saw it’s on YouTube, so that would be cheaper, in fact… here you go…

There are MANY resources to learn about Lewis, Tolkien, and MacDonald. I am sorry we don’t have more time to really dive into them. Feel free to deepen your understanding by reading other books by these authors, listening to podcasts discussing their works, or watching other documentaries (Watching the Lord of the Rings movies DOESN’T count… but it certainly is not a bad idea!)